Sunday, January 10, 2016

Saint Pantone

The separation of church and state is a beautiful concept.  Not everyone needs to believe or not believe in the same religions, let alone same thoughts and life decisions.  Over the last few weeks, it seems like the separation of "church" and "fashion" is more of a blurred line.  Dolce & Gabbana have released an array of hijabs and abayas conjoined to their 2016 spring/summer collection.  This trend isn't new, especially seen in religious-inspired jewelry, especially from designers where religion and life go hand-and-hand, like Giorgio Armani's rosary inspired necklaces or Bvlgari's cross bracelets and rings.

Several years ago, a friend saw my rosary-inspired necklace, and asked a few questions about the rosary.  I explained the symbolism of the beads, their spacing, and the order and purpose of the prayers. She mentioned that it seemed kind of boring and repetitive.  To her surprise, I agreed.  You see, I believe that the prayer I offer while praying the rosary isn't primarily comprised of the prayers I'm reciting.  The bigger prayer at hand are the people, special intentions, and concerns that flood my mind and heart whilst praying.  Like the rosary was designed to be trance-inducing on purpose, allowing you to tune out the world and tune in to your prayers.

Cathedral of the Incarnation

This idea isn't just limited to praying the rosary.  Tonight while at mass, my mind started to wander a bit.  And of course, the "retail" in my heart went right to my mind.  That's when I realized - the ceiling at my Cathedral is a perfect display of the 2016 Pantone Colors of the Year - Rose Quartz and Serenity.  The design could very easily be an Hermes scarf, the pool at one of Gianni or Donatella Versace's mansions, or one of many architectural pieces of the Medici family palazzi in Firenze.  Not only do I love the colors, but I love the mix of geometric patterns, lighting, and proportions.

Where have you found unexpected inspiration?  Do you have a favorite city or place that jump starts your creative juices?  What shapes your fashion foundationf?  Who is your muse?

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