Friday, April 15, 2011

still in luxe

sorry for my brief hiatus from posting - this is the fourth anniversary of my Mother's death, so I've been focused on other items of importance, as you can imagine.

Today I woke up early, went to the cemetery, daily mass, and had breakfast at one of Her favourite places. Whilst there, I was flipping through a few magazines, and here's what I'm really loving now:

Glam in green - especially celery, grass, sage, olive, and lime.

Worn and woven bracelets - nylon and cotton sailor versions or effort leather wraps.

Fresh flowers - just because. Hands down, B.Brooks still has the best flowers.

Seersucker blazers with jeans and Tshirts.

Vintage inspired luggage - especially from Filson, Globe Trotter, and Goyard.

Ivy league prep + Naval utilitarianism and classicism.

Gant, and everything else Michael Bastian dreams up. It's like Montauk + Edgartown + St Barths all wrapped in one preppy package and tied with sailing line.

Gingham - of all shapes and sizes.

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