Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fashion Can't Wait

I think I have a problem. I'm not good at waiting. Whether I'm shopping for clients or personally, I am constantly in the marketplace. So, as I see things that would be perfect for gift giving occasions, I either make mental notes or purchase them straight away. Most people's birthday presents are acquired several months before their actual day, and the same goes for nearly every other gift giving occasion. Shopping early and not having to worry about finding the perfect present is definitely a good thing - but my problem is, I get so excited thinking about giving the present, and how the person will react, that I end up giving in to temptation and giving the gift early. To prevent Christmas gifts from being Thanksgiving treats, I forbid myself to do any Christmas shopping until the weekend before Christmas. I'm allowed to make notes and gather ideas year round, but purchasing is off limits until that one shopping blitz of a weekend.

The same goes for new skincare and bodycare as well. When I'm shopping and I see my favourite products on sale, I'll buy them whether I need them or not. Usually I'll put them away in the bathroom closet, hoping the "out of sight, out of mind" adage will prevail. But without fail, whenever I'm in the shower and a particular product is almost empty, I have to remind myself not to use more than the recommend portions just so I can use the newer product. Sometimes I wonder if the makers of my favourite products keep tiny scales or cameras in the bottles to judge when they're half empty so they can put the products on sale just for people like me who stock up en masse.

Maybe it's the "new car smell" theory of purchasing - the excitement and pleasure of using something brand new is powerful. Whether it's the smell of new car, the way potato chips seem to be the crunchiest when a new bag is freshly opened, or the way a new bottle of body wash seems to bring a more suds, more refreshment, and more cleansing experience. Who knows. Maybe I just like to shop and need to seek professional help! Regardless - fashion just can't seem to wait!

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