Monday, October 13, 2008

Historical Fashion?

I love how, over time, fashion is an excellent indicator of what the times were like? During World Wars, clothing was very simple, taking minimism to a whole new level thanks to strict rationing of fabric and other sewing notions. And on 12 February 1947, Christian Dior created a new look that took excess to a new level, with layers and layers of pleated fabric, long skirts, and luxurious, exotic leathers - a signal that the world was no longer forced into limits of material goods.

Even today, we see the same trends. It's no secret that the United States is in the midst of military conflict throughout the middle east, and I'm sure things in Africa and Asian regions aren't exactly stable either. In 2006, John Galliano Rebelle Bag for Dior showed this military conflict again. The bag had military style grommets, ammunition cartridge type pockets, and came in colours reminiscent of camouflage - greens, grays, browns, and blacks.

This same militaristic feel has transcended all retail tiers, including Military style hats and jackets at H&M, Ruehl, The Gap, and J. Crew. War is never in style, but supporting our troops is in fashion.

Now that our world is focusing on the economic troubles, I wonder how fashion reflect this. Will being naked be en vogue? It's definitely cheaper than buying (or even caring for!) new clothes!

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